Monday, April 19, 2010

The biggest problem..

The biggest problem people have with eating healthy is lack of planning.  When we don't plan, we tend to want to just pick up some food.  That forces you to make choices at your local fast food restaurant.  You can just drive through, order from a dollar menu..  seems cheap and easy?  Sure, it's cheap for that one day in time.  But the risk you are taking by putting that food into your body is going to come back at you in the form of medical bills and heart ache.

Eating out isn't a bad thing when the food is freshly prepared by people who are trained to handle, prepare, and cook it.  I've worked fast food like every other teenager in America and the horrors are boundless.  From food being picked up off the floor and served to a customer (a complete direct violation of the OSHA regulations) to expired foods being used.  You are bound to get sick faster, compromise your immune system, and intake a high caloric but low nutritious food causing weight gain.  Weight Gain leads to diabetes, heart conditions, broken bones and strained muscles!

So, here's the formula:

Fast Food  = high caloric intake + low nutrition intake = low immune system = sick + overweight = high medical bills and prescription costs

Do yourself a favor!  Forget the fast food places.  Your daily food should not come from a window.  If anything, places like McDonalds or Burger King should be treated like..   very special treats if at all...  that you maybe do once a month..

Start getting in the habit of packing a lunch to school or work.  Do it the night before or in the morning.  There are some really great lunchboxes or bento boxes that can help you portion out your lunches as well.

I love


It's the best lunch container I've ever had.  I like that it provides me with multiple options of how to plan out my meals.  I can have snacks and a lunch.  I know not to go overboard with whatever I put in there.  It's the perfect size to make a good lunch that's not going to make you bloat, but not going to make you starve.  This company also have children's containers and some other products which are nifty.  Check out the Cereal Bowl.

Another great product: Laptop Lunches:  A 1 tier system with movable separate containers inside.  They also have some great suggestions for lunches on the website.

Your lunch doesn't have to be a boring sandwich.  Make wraps!  Get creative.  Keep in mind if you have access to a microwave where-ever you're bringing your lunch.  Take some snacks.  Sugarless dried fruit, nuts, cheerios!  You'll be happy you did this rather than filling up on that double cheese burger.  And I guarantee you'll be less likely to get sick if you stick with eating fresh and local all day, every day.

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